Pakistan's decision to deport Afghan migrants endangers journalists: Report today news update in pakistan 2023.

Kabul [Afghanistan], November 5 (ANI): Criticising Pakistan's decision to expel undocumented Afghan migrants, the organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has stated that this move also endangers the lives of around 200 Afghan journalists, according to a report by Khaama Press.
Numerous journalists have reported experiencing severe violence in the aftermath of Pakistan's decision to expel Afghan migrants.

These journalists have recounted harrowing experiences in the wake of this expulsion policy.
The RSF report has further warned that sending these journalists back to Afghanistan puts their lives in danger and calls on Pakistani authorities to allow them to stay in Pakistan and ensure their safety there, Khaama Press reported.
It has cited the case of a journalist who, despite having a temporary residence permit, is being harassed and intimidated by Pakistani police and fears expulsion.
"I am accused of espionage for foreign media, vandalism, negative propaganda, and supporting women's rights under legal persecution in my own country. Death awaits me there," she stated.
The report has further emphasized that forcibly repatriating Afghan journalists who have sought refuge in Pakistan is a clear violation of international laws and entirely unacceptable.

These journalists, some of whom were exposing sensitive information, often faced threats and sought refuge in Pakistan to preserve their lives, Khaama Press reported.

RSF has also urged the temporary Pakistani government to revoke its decision promptly and ensure the journalists' security.
Notably, Pakistan's actions have sparked international condemnation who have cited humanitarian concerns.
US State Department asked Pakistan to uphold its obligations in the treatment of refugees and respect the principle of non-refoulement.
The United Nations also expressed concern, saying, that the organization is concerned about the forced deportation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan
However, as per the statistics, over 4000 Afghan immigrants have been deported from Pakistan from November 1 until now, and are living in a distressing situation, reported TOLO News.

Last month, the Pakistani government gave an ultimatum to all undocumented immigrants to leave Pakistan by October 31 or else risk imprisonment and deportation. It announced that action would be taken from November 1 against those illegal foreigners who had not left the country.
Moreover, the Interior Ministry said 140,322 people had already left voluntarily.
Out of the more than 4 million Afghans residing in Pakistan, the government estimates that 1.7 million lack proper documentation. Many of these individuals fled Afghanistan during the country's decades-long internal conflict, starting in the late 1970s and continuing after the Taliban's takeover following the US withdrawal in 2021.
The decision to expel the illegal foreigners was taken after a spate of terrorism this year, out of which 14 were suicide bombings. In several cases, Afghan nationals were found involved in those attacks. (ANI)

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